It is a well known fact that when you go out and get stuff, you're putting yourself at the mercy of someone or something else. If, for example, you are planning to buy something at a store, it has to be in stock in order for you to buy it. If you're visiting a Web site, you're routinely hoping that the person responsible for it doesn't surreptitiously decide to pull it off the Internet.
So you can either happen to things or let them happen to you. Either way is a good way to go, but one is usually better. To make things more interesting, it's always a different way that's better, or perhaps no way. Sometimes being active is the correct way, and other times it's being passive. Many people choose one of the two and do that one all the time.
But for those who want to optimize their experiences, switching between the two is often preferred. But why? And when to switch? Here's a cursory glance at each method and its advantages.
This method ensures that something will happen, but you won't always be aware of what that something is. You can try to control it, but you're still at the whims of others and of the environment. This is clearly preferred for those occasions when you know exactly what you want. If you have a vague idea of what you want, this is also a relatively good method to use, but it's not well known under which criteria this is the best. So it may help just to guess.
Furthermore, you'll find that this method lends itself to certain difficulties. This method, when used to excess, can lead to enhancement of personality traits, bolder behavior, and even stupid behavior. Fortunately, a little common sense can help avoid these pitfalls. For example, when you notice one of your personality traits being enhanced, you should immediately discontinue use of that trait and see a specialist, such as a friend, who can help with your personality traits. A friend might be able to suggest a good way to repair your personality trait. Failing that, though, you can always discard that trait if you think it is expendable. Of course, all of this can be avoided if the personality trait being enhanced is positive. If this is the case, enhancement of the personality trait is perfectly acceptable.
This method brings with it a higher randomness. There is a very great possibility that nothing at all will happen, but if something does, it is likely to be far beyond your expectations. The most important aspect of this method is that it brings with it complete dependence upon the whims of others and of the environment in that you are waiting for something to happen to you. So this method is best suited to those instances when you don't know what you want at all. Again, a decision must be made when you have some idea of what you want but aren't sure. In fact, you may actually be able to use your experience to formulate rules as to when you should be active and when you should be passive; this, though, is an advanced project.
As you should expect, this method has its shortcomings as well. In excess, this method can lead to suppression of personality traits, weaker behavior, and even no behavior. Your abilities can again help you recognize these difficulties and stop them before they start. When you notice a personality trait being suppressed, you should immediately begin using that trait exclusively in an attempt to return it to prevalence. For instance, if this trait is judgmentality, you should attempt to stop a shortage of judgmentality by attempting to judge everyone and everything you see around you. This will permit you to retain your ability to judge. But unlike personality trait enhancement, for which there are very few qualified specialists, there are many people qualified to treat personality trait suppression. Your friends in human resources should be able to help you locate a specialist near you. But in the event that you are unsuccessful finding a specialist, a friend is still an acceptable alternative. But you should always carefully consider the merits and disadvantages of a personality trait that is being suppressed when you are trying to decide whether to treat it.
Clearly, no matter which way you go, you can be successful in a wide variety of cases. But for true success, you will need to determine the optimum solution for any case, which often requires a thorough set of selection rules or adaptation to arbitrary cases. If you choose this last method, you will need to be able to do some combination of activity and passivity, which may not be easy. But there are no easy answers in situations such as this.