2014 GoobNet Decade Championship: Seedings
We are pleased to announce the seeds for the first GoobNet Decade Championship, determining the best decade of the last 644 years.
Eligibility was open to the 64 most recent completed decades, which means that we have gone back to the 1370s. We then reviewed the major events, including technological and cultural events, that defined each decade. Considering whether each event was positive or negative, we used these to arrive at a score for each decade, which was then factored into the seeding.
As you can see, the regional semifinals are to be hosted by four of the most prominent units in the Système International: the metre, the kilogramme, the ampere, and the kelvin. We will post the results of the tournament next week here on GoobNet, so be sure to join us then. In the meantime, please hurry and fill in your bracket. The winning entry, if such a thing exists, will receive 1,073,741,824 GoobNet Silly Bucks, to be presented to you by some guy who was in a meeting with Warren Buffett that one time. And he totally said something that made Warren laugh.
Major events
- +: Apollo 11, 12 lunar landings
- +: Yuri Gagarin, first person in space on Vostok 1 mission
- –: Deaths of John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr
- –: War in Vietnam
- +: Independence of former colonies in Africa
Major technological events
- +: Apollo programme
- +: Release of birth control pill
Major cultural events
- +: Transition to colour television and films
- +: Woodstock
- +: Première of Doctor Who
- +: Popularisation of the bikini
Overall score: +7
Seed: Metre Regional, 1
Major events
- –: Genocide in Rwanda
- –: War and genocide in Yugoslavia
- +: End of apartheid in South Africa
- +: Oslo accords
- +: Northern Ireland truce
Major technological events
- +: First extrasolar planets discovered
- +: Launch of Hubble Space Telescope and installation of corrective optics
- +: Ubiquitisation of the Internet
- –: Founding of GoobNet
Major cultural events
- –: Deaths of Princess Diana, Selena, Matthew Shepard
- +: Development of computer generated imagery
- +: Premières of Family Guy, Futurama
- +: Founding of MLS
Overall score: +5
Seed: Ampere Regional, 1
Major events
- –: World War II
- –: Holocaust
- +: Postwar reconstruction, Marshall Plan
- +: Founding of United Nations
Major technological events
- +: Development of ENIAC, first electronic computer
- +: Development of radiocarbon dating
- –: Development of atomic bomb
Major cultural events
- +: Start of writing careers of Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, Robert Heinlein
- +: Rise of film noir
- +: Breaking of colour barrier in professional baseball, Jackie Robinson
Overall score: +4
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 1
Major events
- –: Wars in Mexico, Greece
- –: John Quincy Adams elected US president by House of Representatives after electoral tie
- +: Independence of most of Latin America from Spain, Portugal
Major technological events
- +: Egyptian hieroglphys deciphered
- –: Patent issued for internal combustion engine, Samuel Morey
Major cultural events
- +: Première of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
- +: Invention of rugby football
- +: New Holland officially named Australia
- +: Invention of the Graham cracker
- +: Patent issued for accordion, Cyrill Demian
Overall score: +4
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 1
Major events
- +: Discovery of Uranus
- +: US Constitution takes effect
- –: Great Hurricane strikes Caribbean
Major technological events
- +: First hot air balloon flight, Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier
- +: Great Meteor of 1783
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant
Overall score: +4
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 2
Major events
- –: Wars in Spain, Belgium, Poland, Texas, Afghanistan
- –: Trail of Tears march
- +: Amistad rebellion
Major technological events
- +: Second voyage of the HMS Beagle
- +: Distance to Alpha Centauri measured
- +: Patent issued for daguerrotype, Louis Daguerre
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Overall score: +3
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 2
Major events
- –: War fought over some dude’s ear
- +: Rise of Chinese Qing Dynasty
Major technological events
- +: Publication of Isaac Newton’s Method of Fluxions on differential calculus
- +: Occultation of Mercury by Venus observed at Greenwich
Major cultural events
- +: Opening of Teatro di San Carlo
Overall score: +3
Seed: Ampere Regional, 2
Major events
- –: Prohibition
- –: Irish Civil War
- +: First transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh
Major technological events
- +: Invention of the liquid fueled rocket
Major cultural events
- +: Introduction of the talking film
- +: Publication of F Scott Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age novels
Overall score: +2
Seed: Metre Regional, 2
Major events
- –: US Civil War
- +: Thirteenth through Fifteenth Amendments to US Constitution
- –: Death of Abraham Lincoln
- –: New Zealand Wars
Major technological events
- +: Development of periodic table, Dmitri Mendeleev
- +: Publication of Maxwell’s equations on electricity and magnetism
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- +: Founding of Football Association
Overall score: +2
Seed: Metre Regional, 3
Major events
- –: Wars in Italy, China, Crimea
- +: Publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species
Major technological events
- +: Neanderthal fossils discovered
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of A Tale of Two Cities
Overall score: +2
Seed: Ampere Regional, 3
Major events
- –: Wars in almost all of Europe, Latin America
- +: Congresses of Vienna, Aix-la-Chappelle, Carlsbad
- –: Mount Tambora eruption, Year Without a Summer
Major technological events
- +: Great Comet of 1811
- +: Invention of the stethoscope, René Laennec
Major cultural events
- +: Height of Lord Byron’s poetry career
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 3
Major events
- +: Founding of Washington, DC, USA
- +: Denmark outlaws slavery
- –: Death of Louis XVI, founding of Committee of Public Safety
Major technological events
- +: Smallpox vaccine first administered, Edward Jenner
- +: France adopts metric system
Major cultural events
- –: Première of hoax Shakespeare play Vortigern and Rowena
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 3
Major events
- +: First British prime minister, Robert Walpole
- –: Treaty of Constantinople
- –: Great Plague of Marseille
- –: Death of Kangxi Emperor
Major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Johann Sebastian Bach completes Brandenburg Concertos
- +: Publication of Treatise on Harmony, Jean-Philippe Rameau
- +: Publication of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 4
Major events
- –: Wars throughout Europe
- +: Discovery of microbes, Antonin van Leeuwenhoek
Major technological events
- +: Discovery of the Cassini division
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of Hudson’s Bay Company
- –: Death of Molière
- +: Popularisation of ice cream
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 4
Major events
- –: Wars throughout Europe
- +: Founding of Royal Society of London
- +: English Restoration
- –: London Great Plague, Great Fire
Major technological events
- +: Discovery of cells, Robert Hooke
Major cultural events
- +: Start of Samuel Pepys’s diary
Overall score: +2
Seed: Ampere Regional, 4
Major events
- –: Wars in Austria, Ireland
- –: Famine in Russia
- +: Foiling of Gunpowder Plot
- –: Settling of Jamestown
Major technological events
- +: Publication of Astronomia Nova, Johannes Kepler
- +: Kepler’s Supernova observed
Major cultural events
- +: Premières of Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth
- +: Introduction of professional sumo wrestling
Overall score: +2
Seed: Metre Regional, 4
Major events
- –: Wars in Russia, Indonesia, Hungary, Korea
- –: Plague in much of Europe
- +: Edict of Nantes grants equal rights to Huguenots in France
Major technological events
- +: Completion of Rialto Bridge in Venice
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of Trinity College, Dublin
- +: Premières of Richard III, Romeo and Juliet
Overall score: +2
Seed: Metre Regional, 5
Major events
- –: Famine in Spain
- –: First recorded smallpox epidemic in the Americas
Major technological events
- +: First working pocketwatch, Peter Heinlein
Major cultural events
- +: Michelangelo completes David
- +: Leonardo da Vinci completes Mona Lisa
- +: Introduction of italic text
Overall score: +2
Seed: Ampere Regional, 5
Major events
- –: Wars in Flanders, Scotland
- –: Death of Richard III, end of Wars of Roses in England
Major technological events
- +: Invention of the astrolabe
- +: Development of design for aerial screw, Leonardo da Vinci
- +: First known use of plus, minus signs
Major cultural events
- +: Creation of Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 5
Major events
- –: First African slaves delivered to Portugal
- +: Invention of mechanical printing, Johannes Gutenberg
- +: Founding of Incan empire
- –: Jean d’Arc burned at stake
Major technological events
- +: Publication of Zij-i-Sultani star catalogue, Ulugh Beg
Major cultural events
- +: Height of Jan van Eyck’s painting career
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 5
Major events
- –: Sieges of Orléans, Constantinople
- +: Completion of Forbidden City in Beijing
- +: Establishment of Aztec Triple Alliance
Major technological events
- +: Florence issues first patent
No major cultural events
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 6
Major events
- –: Wars in France, Poland, Spain
Major technological events
- +: Start of restoration of Grand Canal, China
- +: Construction of Prague Astronomical Clock
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of University of St Andrews, Scotland
Overall score: +2
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 6
Major events
- +: Last major islands of Polynesia settled
- +: Treaty of Windsor between England and Portugal, still in effect today
- –: Wars in France, Persia, Italy
Major technological events
- +: Completion of Bastille, Paris
No major cultural events
Overall score: +2
Seed: Ampere Regional, 6
Major events
- +: Demolition of Berlin Wall
- –: Loss of Challenger Space Shuttle orbiter
- –: Chernobyl meltdown
- –: Bombing of Pan Am flight 103, crash of Japan Airlines flight 123
Major technological events
- +: Widespread use of personal computers
- +: Start of Space Shuttle programme
Major cultural events
- –: Deaths of John Lennon, Marvin Gaye
- +: Premières of The Cosby Show, Seinfeld
- +: Release of the Rubik’s cube
Overall score: +1
Seed: Metre Regional, 6
Major events
- +: Sputnik 1, first artificial satellite
- –: Wars in Korea, Vietnam, Egypt
- –: North Sea flood
Major technological events
- +: Structure of DNA discovered
- +: Development of polio vaccine
Major cultural events
- +: Rise of Elvis Presley, rock and roll
- –: Deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Big Bopper
Overall score: +1
Seed: Metre Regional, 7
Major events
- –: World War I
- –: Genocide in Armenia
- –: Deaths of Franz Ferdinand, Nicholas II of Russia, George I of Greece
- +: US president Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
Major technological events
- +: Completion of the Panama Canal
- +: Publication of general relativity, Albert Einstein
- –: Sinking of the Titanic
Major cultural events
- +: Amundsen reaches South Pole
- +: Invention of the crossword
Overall score: +1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 7
Major events
- –: Wars in Ethiopia, South Africa
- –: Greenwich Observatory bombing attempt
Major technological events
- +: Introduction of the Kinetoscope
- +: Discovery of X rays, Wilhelm Röntgen
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of HG Wells’s landmark science fiction novels The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 7
Major events
- –: Wars in France, Russia, Hungary, Mexico, China, Afghanistan, India, and pretty much everywhere else
- –: Irish famine
- +: Discovery of Neptune
- –: US president John Tyler vetoes bill reestablishing Second Bank of US
Major technological events
- +: First electrical telegraph transmitted, Samuel Morse
- +: Patent issued for vulcanisation process, Charles Goodyear
- –: Development of revolver, Samuel Colt
Major cultural events
- +: Heights of writing careers of Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe
- +: Publication of The Communist Manifesto
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 7
Major events
- +: United States declares independence
- –: Death of Capt James Cook
Major technological events
- +: Invention of marine chronometer and winning of Longitude Prize, John Harrison
No major cultural events
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 8
Major events
- +: Capt James Cook’s first expedition observes transit of Venus
- –: Spain establishes first missions in California
- –: Great Holocaust of the Sikhs
Major technological events
- +: Patent issued for steam engine improvements, James Watt
Major cultural events
- +: Mozart family grand tour of Europe
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 8
Major events
- –: War in Europe, North America, India
- +: Founding of First Saudi State
- +: Coordinated observations of transit of Mercury made
Major technological events
- +: Introduction of centigrade temperature scale, Anders Celsius
Major cultural events
- –: John Edwards delivers “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon
Overall score: +1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 8
Major events
Major technological events
- +: British Parliament introduces Longitude Prize
Major cultural events
- +: Invention of the tuning fork, John Shore
Overall score: +1
Seed: Metre Regional, 8
Major events
- +: Publication of Principia Mathematica, Isaac Newton
- –: Edict of Fontainebleu
- –: Siamese Revolution
- +: English Bill of Rights
Major technological events
- +: Great Comet of 1680
- –: Death of last dodo
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of A Letter Concerning Tolerance, John Locke
Overall score: +1
Seed: Metre Regional, 9
Major events
- –: Wars in Germany, Moldavia
- –: Arrival of Pilgrims at Plymouth
Major technological events
- +: Invention of the slide rule, William Oughtred
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of the First Folio, William Shakespeare
- +: Introduction of the carousel
Overall score: +1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 9
Major events
- +: Construction of Machu Picchu
- –: Death of Constantine XI, end of Byzantine Empire
- –: Start of Wars of the Roses
Major technological events
- +: Invention of spectacles with concave lenses, Nicholas of Cusa
Major cultural events
- +: Ottoman Empire declares intent to protect Acropolis after occupation of Athens
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 9
Major events
- –: First European slave market opens in Portugal
- –: Split of Maya civilisation
Major technological events
- +: Construction of Zhihua Temple, Beijing
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of Laurentian Library, Florence
- +: Installation of Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle, Ireland
Overall score: +1
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 9
Major events
- –: Watergate scandal, resignation of US president Richard Nixon
- +: Camp David accords
- –: Bhola cyclone
- –: Munich massacre
Major technological events
- +: Apollo 14-17 lunar landings
- +: Development of the integrated circuit
Major cultural events
- –: Deaths of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin
- +: Premières of Match Game, The Price Is Right, Soul Train
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 10
Major events
- +: First powered flight, Orville and Wilbur Wright
- –: San Francisco earthquake
- –: Messina earthquake
- –: Deaths of Umberto I of Italy, William McKinley, Carlos I of Portugal
Major technological events
- +: Publication of Albert Einstein’s landmark papers on special relativity, Brownian motion, photoelectric effect
- –: Invention of the polygraph
Major cultural events
- +: First Tour de France
- +: Invention of the hamburger
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 10
Major events
- –: War throughout Europe
- –: Revenge of the 47 Ronin
Major technological events
- +: Change to Gregorian calendar in most of Europe
- +: Iceland completes world’s first modern census
No major cultural events
Overall score: 0
Seed: Ampere Regional, 10
Major events
- –: Trial of Galileo
- –: Start of Sakoku period of closure of Japan
- –: Plague in Italy
Major technological events
- +: Publication of Discourse on the Method, René Descartes
- +: Fermat’s Last Theorem stated
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of Harvard University
Overall score: 0
Seed: Metre Regional, 10
Major events
- +: Discovery of Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
- –: Start of Thirty Years War
Major technological events
- +: Discovery of Orion Nebula, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
- +: Discovery of sunspots, multiple claimants
Major cultural events
- –: Globe Theatre fire
- –: Death of William Shakespeare
Overall score: 0
Seed: Metre Regional, 11
Major events
- –: Wars in Sweden, Chile, Malta
- –: Start of Eighty Years War
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of Rules of the Five Orders of Architecture, Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola
- +: First tulip brought to Netherlands
Overall score: 0
Seed: Ampere Regional, 11
Major events
- –: Plague in England
- –: Death of Leonardo da Vinci
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Public unveiling of Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo
- +: Start of publication of Colloquies, Desiderius Erasmus
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 11
Major events
- –: Wars in Indonesia, Greece
- –: Flooding in Netherlands
- +: First voyage of Zheng He from China to southern and southeast Asia
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine de Pizan
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 11
Major events
- +: Construction of Templo Mayor in Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán
- –: Charles VI orders expulsion of Jews from France
- –: Wars in Lithuania, Sicily, Greece
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 12
Major events
- –: Wars in France, Russia, Serbia
- +: Ming Dynasty begins census in China
- –: Western Schism
- –: Death of Sa’im al Dahr, hanged for vandalising Sphinx
Major technological events
- +: Aachen begins minting coins with dates
Major cultural events
- +: Earliest known reference to playing cards
Overall score: 0
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 12
Major events
- –: Great Depression
- –: Rise of Hitler, German Nazi Party
- –: Start of World War II
- –: Spanish Civil War
Major technological events
- +: Development of radar
- +: Discovery of nuclear fission
- –: Disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Fred Noonan
Major cultural events
- +: First Men’s World Cup
- +: Invention of the chocolate chip cookie
Overall score: –1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 12
Major events
- –: War in South America, Egypt
- –: Lynchings in southern US
- –: Berlin Conference
- –: Deaths of Alexander II of Russia, James A Garfield
Major technological events
- +: Michelson-Morley experiment proves invariability of speed of light
- +: Introduction of electric lighting, alternating current
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of the first Sherlock Holmes stories, Arthur Conan Doyle
Overall score: –1
Seed: Metre Regional, 12
Major events
- –: War in South Africa
- –: Great Chicago Fire
Major technological events
- +: Invention of the phonograph, Thomas Edison
- +: Formalisation of thermodynamic entropy, Ludwig Boltzmann
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of impressionism
Overall score: –1
Seed: Metre Regional, 13
Major events
- –: Peak of Little Ice Age
- –: Start of Seven Years War
- –: Start of Great Expulsion of Acadians
Major technological events
- –: Introduction of modern taxonomy, publication of Philosophia Botanica by Carolus Linnaeus
- +: Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electrical discharge
- +: Founding of British Museum
Major cultural events
- +: First chocolate factory opens, Germany
Overall score: –1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 13
Major events
- –: Wars in England, China, Spain, France
- –: Plague in Edinburgh
- –: Death of Galileo
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Publication of Principia Philosophiae, René Descartes
- +: Popularisation of wallpaper
Overall score: –1
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 13
Major events
- –: Wars on either side of the Atlantic involving the Spanish Armada
- –: Disappearance of Roanoke colony
- –: Deaths of William I of Orange, Mary Queen of Scots
Major technological events
- +: Francis Drake completes circumnavigation of Earth
- +: Development of the Gregorian calendar
No major cultural events
Overall score: –1
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 13
Major events
- –: Massacres of Novgorod, St Bartholemew’s Day
- –: Spanish conquest of Incan empire, death of Túpac Amaru
- –: Plague in Venice
Major technological events
- +: Development of imaginary numbers, Rafael Bombelli
Major cultural events
- +: Sevilla, Spain opens first public garden in Europe
Overall score: –1
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 14
Major events
- –: Columbus’s first landing in Americas, Treaty of Tordesillas
- –: Start of Italian Wars
- –: Alhambra Decree expels Jews from Spain
Major technological events
- +: Invention of oil lamp, Leonardo da Vinci
- +: Comet of 1491
No major cultural events
Overall score: –1
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 14
Major events
- –: Rapid expansion of slave trade
- –: Wars in France, Hungary, Moldavia, England
- –: Founding of Tribunal of Holy Office of Inquisition
Major technological events
- +: Invention of the parachute
- +: Introduction of first modern patent law, Venice
Major cultural events
- +: First recorded game of chess
- –: Amsterdam city council bans snowball fights
Overall score: –1
Seed: Ampere Regional, 14
Major events
- –: Wars in England, Morocco, Poland
- –: Miao rebellions destroyed by Ming Dynasty
Major technological events
- +: Rapid construction of bridges throughout China
No major cultural events
Overall score: –1
Seed: Metre Regional, 14
Major events
- –: War in Turkey
- –: French famine
- –: Salem witch trials
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- +: Founding of College of William and Mary
- +: Invention of clarinet
- –: Russian beard tax
Overall score: –2
Seed: Metre Regional, 15
Major events
- –: Wars in England, Netherlands, Sweden
- +: Completion of Taj Mahal
- –: Great Fire of Meireki
Major technological events
- –: Discovery of Titan, Christiaan Huygens
Major cultural events
- +: England’s first chocolate house opens
- –: Publication of Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes
Overall score: –2
Seed: Ampere Regional, 15
Major events
- +: Publication of heliocentric theory, Nicolaus Copernicus
- –: Wars in Hungary, France
- –: Famine in China
Major technological events
- –: Musket introduced to Japan
No major cultural events
Overall score: –2
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 15
Major events
- +: Rise to power of Suleiman I of the Ottoman Empire
- –: Spanish conquest of Aztec empire
- –: Sack of Rome by League of Cognac
- –: Death of Ferdinand Magellan
Major technological events
- –: Introduction of breech loading cannon to China
Major cultural events
- +: Cocoa bean introduced to Spain
Overall score: –2
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 15
Major events
- –: TUE 11 SEP 2001
- –: Boxing Day tsunami
- –: Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
- –: Loss of Columbia Space Shuttle orbiter
- +: Founding of Yuri’s Night
Major technological events
- +: Ubiquitisation of wireless devices
- +: Construction of International Space Station
Major cultural events
- +: Return of Doctor Who
- –: Deaths of Michael Jackson, Aaliyah
- –: Homogenisation of mass media
- –: Degeneration of news organisations
Overall score: –3
Seed: Kilogramme Regional, 16
Major events
- –: Napoleonic Wars
- –: Union of Great Britain, Ireland
Major technological events
- –: Discovery of asteroids 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, 4 Vesta
- +: Development of the battery, Alessandro Volta
Major cultural events
Overall score: –3
Seed: Kelvin Regional, 16
Major events
- –: Shaanxi earthquake
- –: Wars in India, China, Poland
- –: Nine day reign of Lady Jane Grey
- –: First Jewish ghetto established in Rome
Major technological events
- +: Publication of On the Nature of Minerals, Georgius Agricola
No major cultural events
Overall score: –3
Seed: Ampere Regional, 16
Major events
- –: Wars in Switzerland, Ethiopia, Hungary
- –: Start of Spanish conquest of Incan empire
- –: Deaths of Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour
No major technological events
Major cultural events
- –: Publication of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli
- –: Imprisonment of Thomas More
Overall score: –5
Seed: Metre Regional, 16