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Top lines of the world of tomorrow

There now follows a ranking of the top lines and exchanges of the first production season of Futurama, shown here with the episode in which they appeared. Criteria included interestingness, funnyness, and memorableness.

Eligibility was limited to lines and exchanges that were interesting, funny, or memorable on their own merits. Lines and exchanges that were dependent upon sight gags or the programme’s structure were not eligible. For example, Leela’s famous line “If only I had two or three minutes to think about it” was funny only because it led immediately into a commercial break. By contrast, most of Zapp Brannigan’s lines would be funny even without the heavy sigh from Kif Kroker.

Images are provided courtesy Morbotron.

1. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Philip J Fry: My god! It’s the future!Philip J Fry: My parents... my coworkers... my girlfriend. I’ll never see any of them again.[pause]Philip J Fry: Yahoo!

2. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Turanga Leela: Well, at least here you’ll be treated with dignity.Turanga Leela: Now strip naked and get on the probulator!

3. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: Hurry up! I wanna see the Moon!Turanga Leela: Relax. It’s open till nine.

4. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: That’s not how it happened!Turanga Leela: Oh, really? I don’t see you with a Fungineering degree!

5. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Sal: What do I look like? A guy who’s not lazy?

6. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Philip J Fry: Wait a minute! Is that blimp accurate?

7. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: The planet is supposed to collapse in approximately...Turanga Leela: ...two hours ago.

8. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Come on Universe, you big mostly empty wuss!

9. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Zapp Brannigan: We’ll simply set a new course for that empty region over there.Zapp Brannigan: Near that blackish, holeish thing.

10. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Suicide booth: You are now dead.Suicide booth: Thank you for using Stop-n-Drop, America’s favorite suicide booth since 2008.

11. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Turanga Leela: Didn’t you have ads in the 20th century?Philip J Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio.Philip J Fry: And in magazines. And movies.Philip J Fry: And at ball games, on buses and milk cartons...Philip J Fry: ...and T shirts and bananas and written on the sky.Philip J Fry: But not in dreams. No siree!

12. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Philip J Fry: My god! He’s become evil![pause]Philip J Fry: I mean, eviler.

13. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Zapp Brannigan: As my protégé, you should know that the only way to deal with a female adversary...Zapp Brannigan: to seduce her.[pause]Zapp Brannigan: This time we are sure she’s a woman, right?

14. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: Can I do the countdown?Turanga Leela: Huh? Oh, sure. Knock yourself out.Philip J Fry: Ten... nine...Turanga Leela: Okay, we’re here.Philip J Fry: ...Eight-seven-six-five-four-three-two-one-blastoff.

15. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Philip J Fry: Bender’s stupid religion is driving me nuts.Turanga Leela: Amen.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: If only he had joined a mainstream religion, like Oprahism or voodoo.

16. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: The only kind of crawling I’m doing to you is away.Turanga Leela: From.

17. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Turanga Leela: You need to get out and see the real world.Philip J Fry: But this is HDTV! It’s got better resolution than the real world!

18. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Philip J Fry: My god. What if the secret ingredient...Philip J Fry: people?!Turanga Leela: No, there’s already a soda like that. Soylent Cola.Philip J Fry: Oh. How is it?Turanga Leela: It varies from person to person.

19. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Philip J Fry: What kind of world is this where they advertise things not everybody can afford?

20. 1ACV08: “A Big Piece of Garbage”

Linda van Schoonhoven: All in all, this is one day Mittens the kitten won’t soon forget! Ha ha ha ha ha!Morbo: Ha ha ha ha! Kittens give Morbo gas.

21. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Kif Kroker: Captain, may I have a word with you?Zapp Brannigan: No.Kif Kroker: It’s an emergency, sir.Zapp Brannigan: Come back when it’s a catastrophe.

22. 1ACV11: “Mars University”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: I don’t know how to teach! I’m a professor!

23. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Philip J Fry: TV audiences don’t want anything original.Philip J Fry: They wanna see the same thing they’ve seen a thousand times before.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Whatchu talkin’ ’bout, Fry?

24. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Amy Wong: Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?!Leo Wong: We were planning on enjoying a relaxing vacation.Leo Wong: But since you’re here, we’ll have to do some meddling.

25. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Turanga Leela: Look, I don’t know about your previous captains...Turanga Leela: ...but I intend to do as little dying as possible.Hermes Conrad: Oh, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Sign the paper.

26. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: I’ll go build my own lunar lander! With blackjack! And hookers!Bender Bending Rodriguez: In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Ah, screw the whole thing.

27. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Turanga Leela: Hold still, dammit! I don’t have good depth perception!

28. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: We’re gonna die! It’s every man for himself![pause]Philip J Fry: Help me, Leela!

29. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Terry: Welcome to the world of tomorrow!Lou: Why do you always have to say it that way?Terry: Haven’t you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship?

30. 1ACV08: “A Big Piece of Garbage”

Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: Dr Wernstrom, can you save my city?Dr Ogden Wernstrom: Of course. But it’ll cost you. First, I’ll need tenure.Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: Done.Dr Ogden Wernstrom: And a big research grant.Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: You got it.Dr Ogden Wernstrom: Also, access to a lab, and five graduate students, at least three of them Chinese.Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: Ummm... all right, done! What’s your plan?Dr Ogden Wernstrom: What plan? I’m set for life! Au revoir, suckers!Turanga Leela: That rat! Do something!Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: I wish I could, but he’s got tenure!

31. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: It’s the decaying ruins of Old New York.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Welcome home, pal!

32. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: I’ve got a lot of great memories in my old place.[beep]Bender Bending Rodriguez: And now they’re gone!

33. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: It may well be the cause of Bender’s illness.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: But more importantly, it’s a flimsy pretext to try out my latest invention.

34. 1ACV08: “A Big Piece of Garbage”

Philip J Fry: I love symposia!

35. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: Zapp, last night was a mistake.Zapp Brannigan: A sexy mistake.Turanga Leela: No, just a regular mistake.

36. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Man: Hey, did that lad just say rings are cool?Amy Wong: Nope, he said they’re stupid.Man: Cool!

37. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Philip J Fry: The planet’s kerploding!

38. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Philip J Fry: Maybe you can’t understand this, but I’ve finally found what I need to be happy.Philip J Fry: And it’s not friends. It’s things.Bender Bending Rodriguez: I’m a thing.

39. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Kill all humans... kill all humans... must kill all...Philip J Fry: Bender, wake up!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Mm? I was having the most wonderful dream! I think you were in it.

40. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: I can’t see what’s happening. Are we boned?Turanga Leela: Yeah, we’re boned.

41. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Zapp Brannigan: Good work everyone! The mothership is destroyed![pause]Zapp Brannigan: What the hell is that thing?Kif Kroker: It appears to be the mothership.Zapp Brannigan: Then what did we just blow up?Kif Kroker: The Hubble Telescope.

42. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Zapp Brannigan: Your attention please. As captain of this vessel...Zapp Brannigan: ...the terrible burden of naming a limbo contest winner is mine and mine alone.Kif Kroker: Shouldn’t you be steering between the comets?

43. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards.Zapp Brannigan: Checkmate.

44. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Philip J Fry: Bender loves mobs.Turanga Leela: Only when he’s in them, and you know it.

45. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Admit it!Bender Bending Rodriguez: You all think robots are machines built by humans to make their lives easier!Philip J Fry: Well... aren’t they?Bender Bending Rodriguez: I’ve never made anyone’s life easier and you know it!

46. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Turanga Leela: We’ll have to walk like robots, talk like robots, and if necessary...Turanga Leela: ...solve complex differential equations like robots.

47. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Wait! My cheating unit malfunctioned! You gotta give me a do over!Croupier: Sorry, the house limit is three do overs.

48. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Philip J Fry: So what’s the secret ingredient?Glurmo: It’s whatever your imagination wants it to be.Philip J Fry: Oh. But what is it really?

49. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Most videotapes from that era were damaged in 2443 during the second coming of Jesus.

50. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Turanga Leela: Please, Bender. Have some malt liquor.Turanga Leela: If not for yourself, then for the people who love you.

51. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Zapp Brannigan: In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.

52. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: You know, Zapp, once I thought you were a big, pompous buffoon.Turanga Leela: Then I realized that inside you were just a pitiful child.Turanga Leela: But now I realize that outside that child is a big, pompous buffoon!Zapp Brannigan: And which one rocked your world?

53. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Dr John A Zoidberg: Young lady, I’m an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it, and say [silly noise].Philip J Fry: Um... [imitates silly noise].Dr John A Zoidberg: What?! My mother was a saint! Get out!

54. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

URL: I’m gonna get 24th century on his ass!

55. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Philip J Fry: Hello? Pizza delivery for...Philip J Fry: ‘Icy Wiener’?Philip J Fry: Aw, crud!Philip J Fry: I always thought by this point in my life, I’d be the one making the crank calls!

56. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Philip J Fry: I bet you Leela’s holding out for a nice guy with one eye.Bender Bending Rodriguez: That’ll take forever. What she oughta do is find a nice guy with two eyes, then poke one out.Philip J Fry: Yeah, that’d be a timesaver.Turanga Leela: Do you mind?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Here you go. You can use this as an eye poker.Turanga Leela: Thank you. But I don’t care how many eyes a man has.Turanga Leela: As long as it’s less than five.

57. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Turanga Leela: Fry, we have a crate to deliver.Philip J Fry: Let’s just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Too much work. Let’s burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer.Turanga Leela: Okay. If everyone’s finished being stupid...Philip J Fry: I had more, but... you go ahead.

58. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: I never told anybody this, but a thousand years ago...Philip J Fry: ...I used to look up at the Moon and dream about being an astronaut.Philip J Fry: I just didn’t have the grades. Or the physical endurance.Philip J Fry: Plus I threw up a lot, and nobody liked spending a week with me.Turanga Leela: A week would be a little much.

59. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Philip J Fry: Where’s your bathroom?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Bath-what?Philip J Fry: Bathroom.Bender Bending Rodriguez: What-room?Philip J Fry: Bathroom!Bender Bending Rodriguez: What-what?

60. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Philip J Fry: That’s the secret ingredient of Slurm?!Turanga Leela: That’s the only ingredient of Slurm!

61. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Tragic romances always have a happy ending!

62. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Turanga Leela: I’d like to hold off any major screwups until at least my second day as captain.

63. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: Don’t you think I feel bad enough already?Philip J Fry: No!

64. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Turanga Leela: I can’t just stand by and be silent about Bender any more.Philip J Fry: Silent? You’ve been meddling for two solid weeks!Turanga Leela: Well, I can’t just do that any more!

65. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: I’m never going to get used to the 31st century.Philip J Fry: Caffeinated bacon? Baconated grapefruit? Admiral Crunch?Turanga Leela: Well, if you don’t like that, try some Archduke Chocula.

66. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Bite my shiny metal ass.Philip J Fry: It doesn’t look so shiny to me.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Shinier than yours, meatbag!

67. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Fender: Want a jolt?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Uh, hey, I’m no square, but isn’t that counterindicated by my operations manual?

68. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Turanga Leela: Baseball was as boring as mom and apple pie. That’s why they jazzed it up.Philip J Fry: Boring?! Baseball wasn’t...Philip J Fry: ...hmmm, so they finally jazzed it up?

69. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Announcer: Do you remember a time when women couldn’t vote...Announcer: ...and certain folk weren’t allowed on golf courses?Announcer: Petridge Farm remembers.

70. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: This is weak!Robot gopher: Address all complaints to the Monsanto Corporation!

71. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Philip J Fry: Wait a second, I’m getting an idea.Philip J Fry: N... no, false alarm.Philip J Fry: No. Yeah. No. Yeah. No.Philip J Fry: Wait. No. Yeah. Yeah. No... no.Philip J Fry: Yes!

72. 1ACV13: “Fry and the Slurm Factory”

Announcer: Odds of winning mathematically insignificant.Philip J Fry: I like those odds!

73. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Philip J Fry: Wow, so this is a real TV station, huh?WNYW technician: Well, it’s a Fox affiliate.

74. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Philip J Fry: I prefer programs of the genre ‘World’s Blankiest Blank’.WNYW technician: She is wearing the world’s shortiest skirt.Philip J Fry: I’m in!

75. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Turanga Leela: Fry, this isn’t TV, it’s real life. Can’t you tell the difference?Philip J Fry: Sure. I just like TV better.

76. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Cell phone telephone: Wow, that lady’s got a huge ass!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Those could be anyone’s thoughts, fatass!

77. 1ACV07: “My Three Suns”

Turanga Leela: Do you have any idea what the average length of their reigns was?Philip J Fry: Uhhh... eighty thousand years?Turanga Leela: No. One week!Philip J Fry: Damn! I knew you wouldn’t have asked unless it was really high or really low.

78. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Robot: Sir, are you aware that you’re leaking coolant at an alarming rate?Philip J Fry: Uh...Robot: Well, let me just patch you up with some hot resin.Philip J Fry: I think the leak’s stopping itself.Philip J Fry: Wait... wait... yeah, there we go.Philip J Fry: Wait... yeah!

79. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Robot Devil: The Fairness in Hell Act of 2275 requires me to inform you that...Robot Devil: ...if you can best me in a fiddle contest, you win back Bender’s soul.Robot Devil: As well as a solid gold fiddle.Philip J Fry: Wouldn’t a solid gold fiddle weigh hundreds of pounds and sound crummy?

80. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Philip J Fry: How could they even know about a show from a thousand years ago?Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Well, Omicron Persei 8 is about a thousand light years away.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: So the electromagnetic waves would just recently have gotten there.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: You see...Philip J Fry: Magic. Got it.

81. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Zapp Brannigan: Remember, our mission is simple: Destroy all aliens!Kif Kroker: Umm, uh, not me, sir.Zapp Brannigan: Oh yes, right. Nobody destroy Kif.Zapp Brannigan: Unless you have to.

82. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: It’s just my way of thanking you for not reporting...Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: countless violations of safety and minimum wage laws.

83. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Zapp Brannigan: Cham-paggen?Turanga Leela: I didn’t realize you were such a ‘coin-osseur’.

84. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Philip J Fry: If you rule out every guy with a lizard tongue...Philip J Fry: ...or a low IQ or an explosive violent temper...Philip J Fry: ...of course you’re gonna be lonely.

85. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Philip J Fry: I must have been really acting like a jerk.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yeah, but everybody’s a jerk. You, me, this jerk.

86. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: It’s a sunny little doomed planet...Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: ...inhabited by a number of frisky little doomed animals.

87. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Sad, sad, terrible, gruesome news about my colleague, Dr Mbutu.Turanga Leela: Was his apartment rent controlled?

88. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Turanga Leela: You’re living in the past!Philip J Fry: I’m rich! I can live whenever I want!

89. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Turanga Leela: This is officer 1B-DI, requesting backup.

90. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Philip J Fry: Space. It seems to go on and on forever.Philip J Fry: But then you get to the end, and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

91. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Lrrr: If McNeal wishes to be taken seriously...Lrrr: ...why does she not simply tear the judge’s head off?Ndnd: It is true what they say. Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9.

92. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: I’m sober and crazy, and I don’t know what I might do!Philip J Fry: Don’t do it!Bender Bending Rodriguez: I don’t know what it is yet!

93. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Zapp Brannigan: You’re a brave robot, son. But when I’m in command, every mission’s a suicide mission.

94. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Turanga Leela: They’re busting mad rhymes with an 80% success rate.

95. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

21st century girl: Remember when those cyborgs enslaved humanity?Philip J Fry: Uh...Philip J Fry: Yeah! That rings a bell!

96. 1ACV08: “A Big Piece of Garbage”

Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: My god! The senile old man is right!Dr Ogden Wernstrom: Do you mean him or me?

97. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: My place is two cubic meters, and we only take up 1.5 cubic meters.Bender Bending Rodriguez: We’ve got room for a whole ’nother two thirds of a person!

98. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Philip J Fry: I’m gonna be a famous hero just like Neil Armstrong...Philip J Fry: ...and those other brave guys no one ever heard of!

99. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Ah, to be young again. And also a robot.

100. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Craterface: Hi, I’m Craterface! Welcome to Luna Park. I’ll have to confiscate your alcohol, sir.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Better mascots than you have tried.

101. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Suicide booth: Please select mode of death: quick and painless, or slow and horrible.Philip J Fry: Yeah, I’d like to place a collect call.Suicide booth: You have selected slow and horrible.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Great choice!

102. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Hermes Conrad: Labor Day?! That phoney baloney holiday...Hermes Conrad: ...crammed down our throats by fatcat union gansters?Philip J Fry: That’s the one.Hermes Conrad: Hot damn! A day off!

103. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Amy Wong: There’s lots of great places to meet people.Hermes Conrad: The Federal Sex Bureau.Bender Bending Rodriguez: A saucy puppet show.Dr John A Zoidberg: The rotting carcass of a whale.Amy Wong: Mmmm, I’ll pick.

104. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Countess de la Roca: Lovely, isn’t it?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yeah. But only 93% as lovely as you.Countess de la Roca: Oh, Bender. Either that was a computing error...Countess de la Roca: ...or you’re the most romantic robot I’ve ever met.

105. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: I don’t care how hilarous your apron is!

106. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Zapp Brannigan: Has my fame preceded me, or was I too quick for it?

107. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Turanga Leela: Bender, I told you to fill the tank before we left!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yeah, I’ll do it when we get back.

108. 1ACV01: “Space Pilot 3000”

Smitty: Attention job deserters! Come out with your hands up!Smitty: We have you partially surrounded!

109. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Philip J Fry: 40,000 channels, and only 150 of them have anything good on!

110. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Philip J Fry: Is he objecting or backing up?Amy Wong: Looks like both.

111. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Linda van Schoonhoven: Once again, today’s winning lotto number was 4.

112. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Philip J Fry: Okay, Leela, you’ll be starring as Jenny, who...Turanga Leela: Uh-uh. Forget it. A: I’m camera shy.Turanga Leela: And B: I get tongue tied in front of an audience armed with death rays.Amy Wong: Plus, you don’t really have the thighs for a miniskirt.[pause]Turanga Leela: Gimmie the script.

113. 1ACV09: “Hell Is Other Robots”

Robot Devil: Robot Hell is quite real. Here’s our brochure.

114. 1ACV06: “A Fishful of Dollars”

Turanga Leela: I know Fry’s rich, but do we really have to wear these tophats?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Maybe you don’t understand just how rich he is.Bender Bending Rodriguez: In fact, I think I’d better put on a monocle.

115. 1ACV05: “Fear of a Bot Planet”

Blue Elder: We are the robot elders.Philip J Fry: You don’t look very old.Blue Elder: Thanks. We try to take care of ourselves.

116. 1ACV04: “Love’s Labours Lost in Space”

Amy Wong: Sometimes you meet a guy and think he’s a pig...Amy Wong: ...but then later you realize he actually has a really good body.

117. 1ACV12: “When Aliens Attack”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: I refuse to fight. I’m a conscientious objector.Philip J Fry: A what?Bender Bending Rodriguez: You know, a coward.

118. 1ACV10: “A Flight to Remember”

Turanga Leela: Something’s wrong! We’re two metric tons overweight!Amy Wong: Well, it’s not me!

119. 1ACV03: “I, Roommate”

Turanga Leela: Professor, we need to talk to you about Fry.Bender Bending Rodriguez: That’s right, we want some money!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Wait, what’s this about Fry?

120. 1ACV02: “The Series Has Landed”

Turanga Leela: Just be careful.Amy Wong: Aye aye, captain! I mean, only one eye.Amy Wong: I mean, yes sir – um, ma’am!