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Guide to 2014 US ballot measures

The United States votes on TUE 04 NOV 2014. If you live in the United States, you should vote on that day, or earlier if your locality supports such.

All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives are up for election, as are 36 seats in the US Senate, 36 state governors’ seats, more than 6,000 seats in state legislatures, a huge array of local seats in all three branches of government, 146 state ballot measures, and innumerable local ballot measures.

These ballot measures are many, but they’re not really all that varied, given that several states have the same damn things on their ballots, and some states are voting on the same damn thing on which they voted two years ago.

So, do you understand your ballot measures? Are you prepared to put in the time required to research all of the measures on your ballot? If so, good luck with that. For the rest of you, we here at GoobNet are prepared to tell you what your opinions are.


ALAmendment 2UnspecifiedUS$50,000,000
CAProposition 1WaterUS$7,120,000,000
HIAmendment 2AgricultureUnlimited
HIAmendment 5WaterUnlimited
MEQuestion 2AgricultureUS$8,000,000
MEQuestion 3Small businessesUS$4,000,000
MEQuestion 4ResearchUS$10,000,000
MEQuestion 5ResearchUS$3,000,000
MEQuestion 6EnvironmentUS$10,000,000
MEQuestion 7BusinessUS$7,000,000
NMBond Question AFacilities improvementUS$17,000,000
NMBond Question BLibrariesUS$11,000,000
NMBond Question CEducationUS$141,000,000
NYProposal 3EducationUS$2,000,000,000
RIQuestion 4EducationUS$125,000,000
RIQuestion 5CultureUS$35,000,000
RIQuestion 6TransitUS$35,000,000
RIQuestion 7EnvironmentUS$53,000,000


AKBallot Measure 3US$7.75/hrUS$9.75/hr+US$2.00/hr
ARIssue 5US$7.25/hrUS$8.50/hr+US$1.25/hr
NEInitiative 425US$7.25/hrUS$9.00/hr+US$1.75/hr
SDMeasure 18US$7.25/hrUS$8.50/hr+US$1.25/hr


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to state that the state does not recognise laws that contradict its own laws. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this is nonsensical.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to authorise bonds of up to US$50,000,000. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to protect the right to bear arms. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this is redundant to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Amendment 4 amends the state constitution to require a 2/3 vote in the state legislature in order to spend more on education. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 5 amends the state constitution to protect hunting and fishing rights. GoobNet recommends a no vote and severely questions that said rights were ever under threat.


Ballot Measure 2 legalises marijuana. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Ballot Measure 3 increases the state minimum wage from US$7.75/hr to US$8.75/hr in 2015 and to US$9.75/hr in 2016. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Ballot Measure 4 bans mining projects that endanger fisheries reserves. GoobNet recommens a yes vote.


Proposition 122 amends the state constitution to claim that the state has the right to ignore federal law. GoobNet recommends a no vote to combat this cynical ploy to subvert Article Six of the United States Constitution.

Proposition 303 permits terminally ill patients to receive treatments not yet approved by the FDA. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Proposition 304 increases state legislators’ salaries from US$24,000/yr to US$35,000/yr. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that Proposition 122 is clear proof that the legislators of Arizona do not understand their jobs.


Issue 1 amends the state constitution to require the legislature to approve changes in administrative rules of state executive offices. GoobNet recommends a no vote to combat this cynical ploy to subvert the separation of powers.

Issue 2 amends the state constitution to permit more time to collect signatures for ballot measures. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Issue 3 amends the state constitution to extend term limits for state legislators from six years in the state house and eight years in the state senate to sixteen total years, and reforms lobbying rules. GoobNet recommends a no vote and demands that each change is brought to the electorate individually.

Issue 4 amends the state constitution to ban dry counties. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Issue 5 increases the state minimum wage from US$7.25/hr to US$7.50/hr in 2015, to US$8.00/hr in 2016, and to US$8.50/hr in 2017. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Proposition 1 authorises bonds of up to US$7,120,000,000 to change the state water system. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Proposition 2 amends the state constitution to increase the maximum amount that can be placed in the state rainy day fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposition 45 requires public notice for insurance rate changes. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposition 46 increases the cap on medical malpractise damages. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Proposition 47 changes most nonviolent crimes to misdemeanors rather than felonies. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposition 48 ratifies two tribal gaming compacts and exempts them from environmental regulations. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Amendment 67 amends the state constitution to recognise embryos and fetuses as persons. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 68 amends the state constitution to expand gaming at racetracks. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Proposition 104 requires meetings that are open to the public whenever school boards negotiate collective bargaining. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposition 105 requires labelling of genetically modified food. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Question 1 permits the state legislature to expand early voting. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to fund the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to permit medical marijuana. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to permit the state governor to fill vacant judges’ seats by appointment. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Amendment A amends the state constitution to prevent increases to the maximum state income tax rate. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment B amends the state constitution to permit the state legislature to increase reckless driving penalties. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Referendum 1 extends a tax exemption to privately owned facilities at University of Georgia schools. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to require public disclosure of the list of nominees to state courts. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to authorise bonds for farming financial aid. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to increase the mandatory retirement age for judges to 80 years. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 4 amends the state constitution to permit public funding for private programs in support of early childhood education. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be a government activity.

Amendment 5 amends the state constitution to authorise bonds that would fund safety compliance upgrades to dams and reservoirs. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this same measure failed in 2012.


HJR 2 amends the state constitution to require the legislature to approve changes in administrative rules of state executive offices. GoobNet recommends a no vote to combat this cynical ploy to subvert the separation of powers.


The Right to Vote Amendment amends the state constitution to protect the right to cast a ballot. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

The Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights Amendment amends the state constitution to enhance rights of crime victims in criminal courts. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

The Minimum Wage Increase Question is an advisory question on an increase in the state minimum wage from US$8.25/hr to US$10.00/hr. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

The Birth Control in Prescription Drug Coverage Question is an advisory question on whether birth control should be included in prescription drug insurance. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

The Millionaire Tax Increase for Education Question is an advisory question on an increase in the state’s top income tax rate. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


SCR 1618 authorises the state legislature to permit gaming for nonprofits. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to protect the Medical Assurance Trust Fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to create a Hospital Stabilization Fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to permit private agents to collect taxes. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 4 amends the state constitution to create a state infrastructure bank that would issue loans to support transportation projects. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 5 amends the state constitution to remove the retirement age of 70 years for state judges. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 6 amends the state constitution to authorise Orleans Parish to increase taxes. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that tax issues such as this do not belong in the state constitution.

Amendment 7 amends the state constitution to correct language on disabled veterans. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 8 amends the state constitution to protect the Artifical Reef Development Fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 9 amends the state constitution to remove the requirement for permanently disabled homeowners to certify their income annually. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 10 amends the state constitution to reduce the redemption period for tax sales. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 11 amends the state constitution to increase the total number of state executive departments from 20 to 21. GoobNet recommends a no vote and demands removal of the limit on state executive departments from the state constitution entirely.

Amendment 12 amends the state constitution to require at least two members of the state Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to be from northern Louisiana. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 13 amends the state constitution to authorise the city of New Orleans to sell property in the Lower Ninth Ward. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that local issues do not belong in the state constitution.

Amendment 14 amends the state constitution to limit the state legislature’s ability to modify tax rebates. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Question 1 places restrictions on bear hunting. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Question 2 authorises bonds of up to US$8,000,000 for agriculture and resources. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 3 authorises bonds of up to US$4,000,000 for loans to small businesses. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 4 authorises bonds of up to US$10,000,000 for a cancer research centre. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 5 authorises bonds of up to US$3,000,000 for tissue repair laboratories. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 6 authorises bonds of up to US$10,000,000 for wetlands restoration. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 7 authorises bonds of up to US$7,000,000 for marine businesses. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.


Question 1 amends the state constitution to create a transportation trust fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Question 2 amends the state constitution to permit counties to fill vacancies with special elections. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Question 1 repeals a law that links gasoline taxes to inflation. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Question 2 expands recycling laws. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Question 3 repeals a law on resort casinos. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Question 4 permits the use of sick days. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Proposal 1 repeals a law on Upper Peninsula wolf hunting seasons. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Proposal 2 repeals a law on game species. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


HCR 30 amends the state constitution to protect hunting and fishing rights. GoobNet recommends a no vote and severely questions that said rights were ever under threat.


Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to render a defendant’s prior record admissible in child sexual abuse trials. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to tie teacher compensation to performance evaluations. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 6 amends the state constitution to establish early voting. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 10 amends the state constitution to limit the state governor’s ability to estimate revenues. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


C-45 amends the state constitution to rename the position of “State Auditor” to “Commissioner of Securities and Insurance”. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

LR-126 moves the late voter registration deadline four days earlier. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Initiative 425 increases the state minimum wage from US$7.25/hr to US$8.00/hr in 2015 and to US$9.00 in 2016. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Question 1 amends the state constitution to create an intermediate appellate court. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this same measure failed in 2010.

Question 2 amends the state constitution to remove a cap on mining taxes, currently at 5%. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Question 3 increases corporate taxes. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Public Question 1 permits pretrial detention in some cases. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Public Question 2 requires allocation of a specified portion of corporate taxes to preserve open spaces. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to separate school elections from general elections. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to place a student representative on the Northern New Mexico State School Board of Regents. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to permit the state legislature to set different deadlines for candidacy declarations in judicial retention elections and primary elections. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 4 amends the state constitution to permit county charters for urban counties. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 5 amends the state constitution to change the way the Land Grant Permanent Fund is managed. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Bond Question A authorises bonds of up to US$17,000,000 for facilities for senior citizens. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Bond Question B authorises bonds of up to US$11,000,000 for libraries. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Bond Question C authorises bonds of up to US$141,000,000 for education facilities. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.


Proposal 1 amends the state constitution to establish a redistricting commission. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposal 2 amends the state constitution to remove the requirement on the state legislature to print paper copies of bills. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Proposal 3 authorises bonds of up to US$2,000,000,000 for education facilities. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.


The Criminal Defendant May Waive Jury Trial Amendment amends the state constitution to state that criminal defendants may waive a jury trial. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Measure 1 amends the state constitution to recognise embryos and fetuses. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Measure 2 amends the state constitution to ban state mortgage, sales, and transfer taxes. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Measure 3 amends the state constitution to abolish the elected state Board of Higher Education. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Measure 4 amends the state constitution to require referenda on all measures that have a significant fiscal impact on the state. GoobNet recommends a no vote and reminds the people of North Dakota that they have a legislature.

Measure 5 amends the state constitution to require allocation of a specified portion of oil taxes to conservation. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Measure 6 entitles both parents in a child custody case to joint custody unless one of them is declared unfit. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this same measure failed in 2006.

Measure 7 abolishes the requirement that the majority owner of a pharmacy must be a registered pharmacist. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Measure 8 requires schools to begin the year no earlier than Labor Day. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


State Question 769 amends the state constitution to specify the right of public officials to serve in the National Guard, Oklahoma State Guard, and Officers Reserve Corps. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

State Question 770 amends the state constitution to permit veterans to keep their homestead tax exemption when moving. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

State Question 771 amends the state constitution to establish a homestead exemption for surviving spouses of military personnel killed in action. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Measure 86 amends the state constitution to create a fund for postsecondary education. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Measure 87 amends the state constitution to permit judges to serve in the National Guard and at public universities, and to permit employees of public schools to serve in the state legislature. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Measure 88 permits driver cards for those who do not have proof of legal residence. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Measure 89 amends the state constitution to guarantee equal rights regardless of sex. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that the Oregon state constitution already provides this protection.

Measure 90 establishes open primary elections. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Measure 91 legalises marijuana. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Measure 92 requires labelling of genetically modified food. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Question 1 amends the state constitution to permit casino games at Newport Grand. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this same measure was rejected by the local electorate in 2012.

Question 2 amends the state constitution to require approval of the electorate for changes in gaming locations. GoobNet recommends a no vote and reminds the people of Rhode Island that they have a legislature.

Question 3 authorises a constitutional convention. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Question 4 authorises bonds of up to US$125,000,000 for a new building at the University of Rhode Island. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 5 authorises bonds of up to US$35,000,000 for cultural centres. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 6 authorises bonds of up to US$35,000,000 for transit improvements. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.

Question 7 authorises bonds of up to US$53,000,000 for environmental projects. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that this should be funded with current tax money.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to permit gaming for nonprofits. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to make the state Adjutant General a governor appointment subject to confirmation by the state senate rather than a directly elected position. GoobNet recommends a yes vote on the grounds that this position requires specific qualifications that cannot be enforced by direct election.


Initiated Measure 17 prohibits network limitations by health insurance firms, so that clients will be permitted to use any provider. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Initiated Measure 18 increases the state minimum wage from US$7.25/hr to US$8.50/hr in 2015 and links it to inflation starting in 2016. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Amendment Q amends the state constitution to permit gaming in Deadwood with the approval of the local electorate. GoobNet recommends a no vote on the grounds that local issues do not belong in the state constitution.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to authorise the state legislature to pass bills regarding abortion. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 2 amends the state constitution to authorise the state governor to appoint judges subject to confirmation by the state legislature. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 3 amends the state constitution to ban state payroll and income taxes. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment 4 amends the state constitution to permit gaming for nonprofits. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Proposition 1 amends the state constitution to allocate oil and gasoline tax revenues to the state’s highway fund rather than its rainy day fund. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Amendment A amends the state constitution to permit more than two members of the same political party on the state tax commission. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment B amends the state constitution to repeal the requirement for a lieutenant governor who is appointed in midterm to stand for election at the next opportunity. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Amendment C amends the state constitution to authorise separate legal counsel for the state lieutenant governor, auditor, and treasurer. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


The Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Armed Forces Amendment amends the state constitution to establish a property tax exemption for surviving spouses of military personnel killed in action. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Initiative 591 bans background checks on firearm sales. GoobNet recommends a no vote.

Initiative 594 requires background checks on firearm sales. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Advisory Vote 8 is an advisory question on raising taxes on marijuana. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Advisory Vote 9 is an advisory question on an excise tax on tribal property. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.

Initiative 1351 limits class sizes in public schools and makes changes to school funding. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Amendment 1 amends the state constitution to establish a property tax exemption for nonprofit youth organisations. GoobNet recommends a no vote.


Question 1 amends the state constitution to establish a transportation fund. GoobNet recommends a yes vote.


Constitutional Amendment A amends the state constitution to permit residents of other states to serve as trustees of the University of Wyoming. GoobNet recommends a no vote.