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Top lines as rated by the Coolometer

There now follows a ranking of the top lines and exchanges of the fourth production season of Futurama, shown here with the episode in which they appeared. Criteria included interestingness, funnyness, and memorableness.

Eligibility was limited to lines and exchanges that were interesting, funny, or memorable on their own merits. Lines and exchanges that were dependent upon sight gags or the programme’s structure were not eligible. For example, Fry’s line “Is there something on my face?” and Hermes’s response “Uh... no” were funny for the angle we saw immediately afterward.

Images are provided courtesy Morbotron.

1. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: Are you saying I’m going crazy?Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: No, no. No one’s saying that.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: But I’m certainly thinking it loudly.

2. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Well, I suppose the environment can take one more for the team.

3. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Linda van Schoonhoven: I’m sure those windmills will keep them cool.Morbo: Windmills do not work that way!Morbo: Good night!

4. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Philip J Fry: I’m real sorry I missed the mission. I wasn’t there, and you might have needed me.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Nope!Philip J Fry: But if I’d been there, I –Bender Bending Rodriguez: Nope!Philip J Fry: Look –Bender Bending Rodriguez: Nope!Philip J Fry: Bender’s great!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Nope!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Rrrrgh!Philip J Fry: Listen Leela, let me make it up to you by taking you out to dinner tonight.Turanga Leela: Nope!

5. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Turanga Leela: I’ll be able to pack my day with twice as many humdrum activities!Philip J Fry: Leela, I think you’re missing the big picture.Philip J Fry: When you were a kid, what was your biggest fantasy?Turanga Leela: To have parents.Philip J Fry: Whatever. The correct answer is: to be a superhero!Philip J Fry: We have superpowers, and we’re Americans. This is our chance!Turanga Leela: Hmmm, I have been looking for a way to serve the community...Turanga Leela: ...that incorporates my violence. Let’s do it!Philip J Fry: You’ll barely regret this!

6. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Turanga Leela: Please don’t stop playing, Fry. I want to hear how it ends.

7. 4ACV02: “Leela’s Homeworld”

Turanga Leela: I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside...Turanga Leela: ...where it can fester quietly as a mental illness.Philip J Fry: Yeah, I do that with my stupidness.

8. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the Angry Dome!

9. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Turanga Leela: Are you crazy? We have to keep our secret identities secret!Philip J Fry: From everybody?Turanga Leela: Especially from everybody!Philip J Fry: Give several reasons why.Turanga Leela: For one, superheroes cause a lot of collateral damage.Turanga Leela: And we don’t want to get our butts sued!Philip J Fry: Or do we?Philip J Fry: No, I guess not.

10. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: He’s alive!Hattie McDoogal: Quit your bragging! My boyfriend’s alive too!Hattie McDoogal: Oh, not any more.

11. 4ACV05: “A Taste of Freedom”

Philip J Fry: I’m having one of those things! You know! A headache, with pictures!Turanga Leela: An idea?

12. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Tinny Tim: Extra! Extra! Greatest opera of all time sucks!

13. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: You’re watching ‘Futurama’...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...the show that does not advocate the cool crime of robbery.

14. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Singers: Clobberella beats you up! Clobberella beats you up!Singers: Who does she beat up? You! Clobberella!

15. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Of course he still exists. As a frozen corpse in outer space!Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Ha ha ha ha!Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Oh, I made myself sad.

16. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Turanga Leela: I’m off to find a pair of formal gloves that’ll fit over my enormous forearms.

17. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Lord Nibbler: I hereby place an order for one cheese pizza.Mr Panucci: One pie, nothing good on it. Name?Lord Nibbler: I, period, C, period, Wiener.Mr Panucci: Uh, talk a little louder. It sounds like you got some kind of tiny head on you or something.

18. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: It was all my fault! He died because of me!Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: No, no, no, no, no, no.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: I’m lying to make her feel better!

19. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Turanga Leela: Doesn’t it bother you even a little to be taking advantage of your girlfriend’s trust?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Ha ha ha ha!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.

20. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Man: Excuse me! Hi! Do you have a minute?Man: I live in Jersey City, and my car broke down, and I need to get back...Man: ...because my aunt’s real sick and she needs this medicine, but I need money for the bus.Man: So I’m mugging you. Hand over your wallets.Turanga Leela: I don’t believe that story for a second.Man: It doesn’t matter! I’m mugging you!Philip J Fry: There’s no bus to Jersey City!

21. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Narrator: You’re probably wondering why your ice cream went away.Narrator: Well, Susie, the culprit isn’t foreigners, it’s global warming!Susie: Gwubbuh wubbah?Narrator: Y... yeah.

22. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Turanga Leela: Acting like a moron won’t bring your dog back.Philip J Fry: Then all hope is lost!

23. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...and hitting them?

24. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Philip J Fry A: It’s like that drug trip in that movie I saw when I was on that drug trip!

25. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Philip J Fry: How big is the honeycomb?Hermes Conrad: Honeycomb’s big. Yeah yeah yeah.Bender Bending Rodriguez: It’s not small?Hermes Conrad: No no no!

26. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Robot Devil: Ah, my ridiculously circuitous plan is one quarter complete!

27. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Civil Defense Van: Calling all scientists, calling all scientists.Civil Defense Van: Be advised there will be a worldwide conference on global warming in Kyoto, Japan.Man: I’ve got a degree in homeopathic medicine!Civil Defense Van: You’ve got a degree in baloney!

28. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Whale biologist: I’m the whale biologist. Though personally, I hate whales. Especially Mushu.Turanga Leela: Then why’d you become a whale biologist?Whale biologist: I don’t know you well enough to get into that.

29. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth 1: Oh, I’ve been as dumb as Fry!Philip J Fry 1: Am not!

30. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Robot Devil: You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

31. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Lrrr: Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?Ndnd: Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps.

32. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Cubert Farnsworth: Why the idiot convention?

33. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Walter Koenig: How can you do a spoken word version of a rap song?Melllvar: He found a way.

34. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Philip J Fry: Oh. Just a flying saucer.Philip J Fry: Excuse me! You can’t park here! The parking area’s over there!

35. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Richard Nixon’s head: The loot! The loot! The loot is on fire!

36. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Uh, can people who hate ‘Star Trek’ leave?Walter Koenig: Good question.

37. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Turanga Leela: Well, there goes my DNA. What a disgusting and beautiful process.

38. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Kif Kroker: It shows the time wherever we both are. And it’s powered by love!Kif Kroker: Also, you have to wind it.

39. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Amy Wong: He looks so natural.Amy Wong: It’s funny to think he’s crammed full of sawdust and preservatives.

40. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Philip J Fry: Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?

41. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Humorbot 5.0: Anecdote accepted. Snappy comeback not found.

42. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Whale biologist: You’re covered in precious ambergris.Kif Kroker: Precious hamburgers?Roseanne: Ambergris, noun. A greaselike product of the sperm whale’s digestive tract...Roseanne: ...that is used as a base in the finest perfumes.Roseanne: This has been Roseanne, your guide to the world of facts.

43. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Dr John A Zoidberg: Your music’s bad, and you should feel bad!

44. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Oh, sure! Smash the smart guy’s machine!

45. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Turanga Leela: Kids don’t turn rotten just from watching TV.Philip J Fry: Yeah. Give a little credit to our public schools.

46. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Grand Midwife: I will now take my leave. I live here, so I won’t actually be going anywhere.Grand Midwife: But you don’t have to talk to me any more!

47. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Crowd: What do you want?Philip J Fry: Fry’s dog!Crowd: When do you want it?Philip J Fry: Fry’s dog!

48. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Hermes Conrad: Isn’t this fun?Dwight Conrad: No! I wish I had two mommies!

49. 4ACV02: “Leela’s Homeworld”

Turanga Morris: I made this bracelet so that in some small way, we’ll always be with you...Turanga Morris: ...even when it doesn’t seem like it.Turanga Morris: During your entire life, for example.

50. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Coilette Bending Rodriguez: I marry Calculon, divorce him, take half his money, and turn back into a guy.Coilette Bending Rodriguez: It’s sort of a two person pyramid scheme.Philip J Fry: That’s marriage, all right!

51. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yo, highness. Uh, just out of robo-curiosity...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...why would you use a guy’s nose for an aphrodisiac...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...instead of his, you know, wing-dang-doodle?Lrrr: But I thought the horn was the human wing-dang-doodle.Bender Bending Rodriguez: No sir, chief! The main event, so to speak, is downstairs near the wallet.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Ever seen soccer players line up to block a free kick?Bender Bending Rodriguez: They ain’t covering their noses, I’ll tell you that much.

52. 4ACV14: “Obsoletely Fabulous”

Announcer: And now, the woman who Mom-opolizes the robot industry...Philip J Fry: I get it!Announcer: Mom!Philip J Fry: Oh, now I get it!

53. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Philip J Fry: Bender? I was just not playing the holophonor!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yeah, well, you should try not stinking at it.Philip J Fry: I am trying. I’ve been taking lessons.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Lessons? Oh, that’s rich!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Isn’t it time you gave up all hope of ever improving yourself in any way?

54. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Universe A, Hermes A heads towards the Sun.Narrator: A.

55. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Philip J Fry: Just remember, the Scooty-Puff Jr suuuucks!Lord Nibbler: In a thousand years, I’ll get right on it.

56. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Tinny Tim: You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir.

57. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Lord Nibbler: We live long and are celebrated poopers.

58. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Turanga Leela: When I was an orphan, I always wished I could grow up with my mom and dad.Turanga Leela: And now, thanks to being hurled backwards in time –Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: That’s not what happened! Shut up and go live with your parents!

59. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Turanga Leela: Everyone just pretend to shower.Philip J Fry: Same as every day. Got it.

60. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Emotions are dumb and should be hated.

61. 4ACV05: “A Taste of Freedom”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Are you familiar with the old robot saying ‘Does not compute’?

62. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Philip J Fry: So I really am important? How I feel when I’m drunk is correct?Ken: Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band doesn’t rock!

63. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Amy Wong A: Is that pink nail polish?!Amy Wong 1: Is that not pink nail polish?! The Professor’s right, you are evil. And shallow!Amy Wong A: I am not evil!

64. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Turanga Morris: No beer till you finish your tequila!

65. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: You could really use a shower.Philip J Fry: You too.

66. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Amy Wong: Are you off your rocket? Your parents are mutants!Amy Wong: It’s illegal for them to come above ground, because they’re inferior genetic scum!Amy Wong: Uh, present company excluded, of course.

67. 4ACV02: “Leela’s Homeworld”

Turanga Leela: Who the hell are you?Turanga Munda: No one. And watch your language, young lady!

68. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Philip J Fry: Oh no! Our superpower cream is out of itself!Turanga Leela: Check inside the cap. There might be a caked-in goldmine.Philip J Fry: El zilcho! I’m afraid we’re boned.Bender Bending Rodriguez: ‘El zilcho’? Is it too late to change my superhero name?

69. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: You’re screwier than my aunt Rita! And she’s a screw!

70. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth 1: Now, now. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything.

71. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Narrator: Remember, it’s up to us. Bigfoot is a crucial part of the ecosystem, if he exists.Narrator: So let’s all help keep Bigfoot possibly alive for future generations to enjoy...Narrator: ...unless he doesn’t exist. The end.

72. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: I’ll be the judge of who’s cool, using the Coolometer!

73. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: We live to suck another day!

74. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: Thank you, mysterious heroes! The value of the Gemerald you saved...Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: slightly greater than the cost of the damage you caused to this museum.Mayor C Randall Poopenmeyer: A net gain for our great city!

75. 4ACV02: “Leela’s Homeworld”

Turanga Leela: It’s like some kind of weird Leela museum! And I’m the Leela!

76. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: This could mean the end of the banana daiquiri as we know it!Bender Bending Rodriguez: Also life.

77. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Philip J Fry: Bees make honey and jelly? Huh. How come nothing humans make tastes good?

78. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Melllvar: You will perform a fan script, written by the ultimate ‘Trek’ fan.Philip J Fry: You have my fan script?Melllvar: I meant me! Melllvar is the ultimate fan!Philip J Fry: Oh, I was confused because the scoreboard says something different.

79. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Turanga Leela A: I tell you, they’re not evil!Turanga Leela A: But don’t be confused. They are jerks.

80. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: If her personality engulfs mine...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...the Bender you know and worship could disappear forever![pause]Turanga Leela: I’m willing to take that risk.

81. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth A: That spacetime eversion has given us their box, and vice versa.Turanga Leela A: So what you think you just explained to us is that –Prof Hubert J Farnsworth A: Correct! This box contains our own Universe!

82. 4ACV14: “Obsoletely Fabulous”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: If that stuff wasn’t real, how can I be sure anything is real?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Is it not possible, nay, probable...Bender Bending Rodriguez: ...that my whole life is just a product of my or someone else’s imagination?Technician: No. Get out.

83. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: What’s the mission?Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Collecting honey. Ordinary honey.Turanga Leela: That doesn’t sound so dangerous.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: This is no ordinary honey!

84. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Good news, everyone. I’m still technically alive!

85. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Scientist: I have combined the DNA of the world’s most evil animals...Scientist: make the most evil creature of them all!Man: It turns out it’s man.

86. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Petunia: I saw Bigfoot crushing cars at the county fair!Ranger Park: What you saw was Bigfoot, the monster truck. But thanks for a great question.

87. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Philip J Fry: Look, Bender, this has nothing to do with you.Bender Bending Rodriguez: That’s impossible!

88. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Turanga Leela: My old life wasn’t as glamorous as my webpage made it look.

89. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Turanga Leela: Dad, you’re being too lenient again! I have to be back by eleven!Turanga Munda: Okay, okay. You’re the boss.Turanga Leela: No I’m not!

90. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Lord Nibbler: What is one life weighed against the entire Universe?Philip J Fry: But it was my life!

91. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Ndnd: Lrrr used to be so tender.Lrrr: I only wrote that poem to test my printer!

92. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Kif Kroker: I must return to my homeworld to perform the ancient birthing rites.Scruffy: Lemme know how that turns out.

93. 4ACV05: “A Taste of Freedom”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Posers! I was hating Zoidberg before it was cool!

94. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Cubert Farnsworth: The guests were supposed to be here three hours ago.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Well, that doesn’t mean that no one is coming or that you two are total losers.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Who gave you that idea?

95. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Philip J Fry: My hands! My horrible human hands! And what did you do to my nails?Robot Devil: I cleaned them.

96. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Amy Wong: I’m slightly richer!

97. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Calculon: I have something for you.Coilette Bending Rodriguez: A remote control? You got me a TV?Calculon: No, my dearest. It’s the remote control to my heart.Calculon: It symbolizes the power you have to sway my emotions.Coilette Bending Rodriguez: Will it work on my TV?

98. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: So musicians really Rodger your Hammerstein, huh?

99. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

William Shatner: There’s no right way to hit a woman.Turanga Leela: Then do it the wrong way!

100. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Calculon: I’m not familiar with the type of thing I’m seeing.

101. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: With my mighty robot powers, I can get sick of things much quicker than you humans.

102. 4ACV14: “Obsoletely Fabulous”

Lisa: Bender, if we don’t survive the attack, I want you to know... I love you.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Okay, fine.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Fire!

103. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Randy Munchnik: They called me crazy for building this ark!Soupy: You are crazy! You filled it with same sex animal couples!Randy Munchnik: Hey, there are parts of the Bible I like, and parts I don’t like!

104. 4ACV08: “Crimes of the Hot”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Thank you. I deserve this.

105. 4ACV05: “A Taste of Freedom”

Turanga Leela: Today is the day we fight back!Bender Bending Rodriguez: It’s already ten o’clock!Turanga Leela: Oh. You’re right. Tomorrow is the day we fight back.

106. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Philip J Fry: That could be my beautiful soul sitting naked on her couch...Philip J Fry: ...if I could just learn to play this stupid thing.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Oh, but you can.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Though you may have to metaphorically make a deal with the devil.Bender Bending Rodriguez: And by devil, I mean Robot Devil. And by metaphorically, I mean get your coat.

107. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Turanga Munda: You’re a superhero? Well, that’s wonderful!Turanga Munda: But did you have to make the costume so revealing?

108. 4ACV07: “Jurassic Bark”

Philip J Fry: Pizza delivery for Mr... Seymour Asses.Man: There’s no one by that name here. Or anywhere.Man: I hope that in time you’ll realize what an idiot you’ve been.Philip J Fry: I wouldn’t count on that!

109. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Leonard Nimoy’s head: Thus, ‘Star Trek’ was forever scoured from human memory.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Another classic science fiction show cancelled before its time.

110. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Coilette Bending Rodriguez: Hail, hail Robonia, a land I didn’t make up!

111. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Turanga Leela A: I am not evil! My loan officer said so.

112. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Mom: Who smells like freaking porpoise hork?Amy Wong: I do!

113. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Dwight Conrad: Do clones even have birthdays?Cubert Farnsworth: Um, duh!Dwight Conrad: Duh what?

114. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Prof James Moriarty: Righto gents, it’s another simulation gone mad, so murder and mayhem.Prof James Moriarty: Standard procedure.

115. 4ACV01: “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch”

Amy Wong: Kif, don’t cry, or you’ll get a tummyache.

116. 4ACV13: “Bend Her”

Turanga Leela: It does seem like Jamaica would be able to field a strong limbo team without you.Amy Wong: Yeah, isn’t that basically all Jamaicans do?Hermes Conrad: Jamaicans have other interests.Hermes Conrad: Which is why the limbo team got detained at the airport.

117. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Lrrr: Uhhh, humanhorn? How ridiculous!Lrrr: Why would a virile male like Lrrr need humanhorn? I don’t even know what it’s for.Lrrr: What is it, something you... you put in salad dressing?Ndnd: Like you’ve ever seen a salad.Lrrr: My weight is appropriate and attractive!

118. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Remember, we’ve got to show these people we’re not bitter husks of human beings...Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: ...who long ago abandoned hope of finding love in this lifetime.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Leela, you’ll have to do some acting.Turanga Leela: Check.

119. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Philip J Fry: Well, usually on the show, someone would come up with a complicated plan...Philip J Fry: ...then explain it with a simple analogy.Turanga Leela: Hmmm. If we can reroute engine power through the primary weapons...Turanga Leela: ...and reconfigure them to Melllvar’s frequency...Turanga Leela: ...that should overload his electro-quantum structure.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Like putting too much air in a balloon!Philip J Fry: Of course! It’s so simple!

120. 4ACV14: “Obsoletely Fabulous”

Lisa: Where did you get that CD?Bender Bending Rodriguez: It’s one of my ten Desert Island Discs. I never really thought I’d get to use them.

121. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Cubert Farnsworth: Relax, Dad. We just invited a few friends over.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Hmmm. There’s something wrong with your story, but I can’t put my finger on it.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Of course! You don’t have friends!

122. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Turanga Leela: Listen, I’m scared too. But I’m more scared of disappointing myself.Philip J Fry: I’m not scared of that at all!

123. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Mandy: Oh, so this is the famous Fry. What is he, like, the biggest loser on the surface...Mandy: he has to hang out in the sewer?Philip J Fry: They’re onto me!

124. 4ACV14: “Obsoletely Fabulous”

Amy Wong: Look! My hair got singed into an even cuter do!

125. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

URL: Better do what he says. He’s a whale biologist!

126. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Lrrr: These candies are chalky and unpleasant!Ndnd: And what is this emotion you humans call ‘wuv’?Lrrr: Surely it says ‘love’.Ndnd: No, ‘wuv’. With an Earth W.Ndnd: Behold!

127. 4ACV12: “The Sting”

Philip J Fry: Listen to me!Philip J Fry: You don’t want to lie in bed like a vegetable and do nothing the rest of your life.Philip J Fry: I’ve tried it. Bedsores hurt!

128. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Ken: It’s a genetic abnormality which resulted when you went back in time...Ken: ...and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather.Philip J Fry: I did do the nasty in the pasty.

129. 4ACV15: “The Farnsworth Parabox”

Turanga Leela 1: You really missed out on something, Leela. That date was magical.Philip J Fry 1: One year later, I gave Leela a diamond scrunchie, and we were married.Turanga Leela A: Ooh!Philip J Fry A: One year later, I got beat up at a Neil Diamond concert by a guy named Scrunchie!

130. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Dr John A Zoidberg: Well, I have a lot of experience telling patients bad news...Dr John A Zoidberg: let me break it to him gently.Dr John A Zoidberg: Fry, you have no nose! Your nose is gone! You have no nose on your face!Dr John A Zoidberg: Where it is I can’t say, but on your face it’s not!

131. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Turanga Leela: But who’s doing all this for you?William Shatner: You know, we never thought about it.William Shatner: We’re famous celebrities. We’re used to this sort of treatment.

132. 4ACV04: “Less Than Hero”

Philip J Fry: But should superheroes commit a crime, even to save lives? I need moral guidance.Philip J Fry: Bender?Bender Bending Rodriguez: Hmmm. The thought of stealing anything fills Superking with disgust.Bender Bending Rodriguez: But if it must be so, then let a museum heist be pulled!

133. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Elzar: Here you go, big spender. Foie gras and caviar.Dr John A Zoidberg: Goose liver? Fish eggs? Pah! Where’s the goose? Where’s the fish?Elzar: Hey, that’s what rich people eat. The garbage parts of the food.Dr John A Zoidberg: I ate garbage yesterday, and it didn’t cost me three hundred dollars!

134. 4ACV11: “Where No Fan Has Gone Before”

Leonard Nimoy: When I directed ‘Star Trek IV’...Leonard Nimoy: ...I got a magnificent performance out of Bill, because I respected him so much.William Shatner: And when I directed ‘Star Trek V’...William Shatner: ...I got a magnificent performance out of me, because I respected me so much.

135. 4ACV17: “Spanish Fry”

Morbo: Demand for humanhorn is great, due in part to titillating scenes...Morbo: ...from depraved alien TV programs too filthy for Earth broadcast.Morbo: Let’s watch.

136. 4ACV16: “Three Hundred Big Boys”

Richard Nixon’s head: Oh, what a McGovern I’ve been! Why did I have to issue that crooked tax rebate?Turanga Leela: At least we got a few mildly interesting stories out of it.Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: Oh my, yes.Bender Bending Rodriguez: Speaking of which, my story kinda petered out without me learning a lesson.Smitty: There he is!Bender Bending Rodriguez: All right! Closure!

137. 4ACV02: “Leela’s Homeworld”

Philip J Fry: What happened?Turanga Leela: I don’t know. I think I saved us somehow.

138. 4ACV09: “Teenage Mutant Leela’s Hurdles”

Philip J Fry: Leela, you can stop winning now! We won!

139. 4ACV10: “The Why of Fry”

Philip J Fry: Did everything just taste purple for a second?

140. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Robot Devil: Ah, Bender, this is a surprise, for you! Finding me in the refrigerator!Bender Bending Rodriguez: True, but at least I don’t have the hiccups any more.

141. 4ACV03: “Love and Rocket”

Turanga Leela: Look, I’m not saying Bender’s not great.Turanga Leela: But have you ever considered that maybe he’s, you know, not that great?

142. 4ACV06: “Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television”

Prof Hubert J Farnsworth: The ruffians smoked one of your cigars.Hermes Conrad: That’s not a cigar.Hermes Conrad: Uh... and it’s not mine!

143. 4ACV18: “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

Bender Bending Rodriguez: Fry, if you don’t take this offer right now, I will lose all respect for you and punch you.

144. 4ACV05: “A Taste of Freedom”

Dr John A Zoidberg: I’m swelling with patriotic mucus!